Bars and cafes: Blue Spa Bar, Bayerischer Hof
By Madame Lapine | The Foodie World Contributing Blogger
I fight with myself, arguing against writing this review of one of the cafe/bars with the best view of the city of Munich and the jaw-dropping Alps for highly selfish reasons, but decide that maybe, just maybe, the Blue Spa Bar might see this piece and improve their menu and service. So let me set the scene, for this is what this place is all about.
It’s a cool eight degrees on a Friday afternoon in early April; the skies are dotted with clouds and there’s a nippy little breeze – perfect conditions for going to the roof top Blue Spa Bar at the luxury five-star Bayerischer Hof Hotel, although it isn’t exactly easy to find. You take the elevator up to the seventh floor, turn right, walk up a few steps and enter the Blue Spa Bar. There isn’t much signage. Turn left inside then follow your nose to the terrace. No need to wait at the bar entrance to be guided to a seat outside.
As you walk out onto the terrace – hello Munich! Die Frauenkirche (one of the city’s iconic churches) is centre stage and the snow-topped Alps are the backdrop. On the left you have the Altstadt (‘Old city’). There are lots of domed roofs, and pale yellows and greens on the stately Bavarian architecture below.
According to the Bayerischer Hof’s website, the terrace of the Blue Spa Bar is 4.5 metres long and 2.5 metres wide so yes, it’s long and narrow. I’m here for both the view and my fill of Vitamin D.
Others however, come for the scene: the glam jet-set sit with sunglasses de rigeur and ultra thick fur-lined hoods, fur-rimmed UGG-boots (how on earth anyone can wear these ugly boots in public is still beyond me), designer jeans and scarves slung around their necks just right. It’s also fashionable to smoke here – there’s even a couple smoking a cigar. Adding to the scene, a dwarf in a baseball cap strolls in with his companion who is six foot plus. Welcome to Euro-glam.
There are surprisingly few tourists and I like it that way. There is however a regular stream of people looking for a free seat and I’m lucky to score a bench on the far left in smoker’s corner but unfortunately no table and chairs. (Tip: arrive between 12.00-3.00pm to score the best seats.)
Ten minutes after I’ve sat down, a waiter finally comes and asks for my order. I’m stunned they even bother coming to my end because I know how patchy the service is. I order the English breakfast tea, and as always the tea bag is served separate from the pot of hot water and I just accept that’s the continental European way. I do however like the various sugars that are served with it – rock sugar and rough cut sugar cubes individually wrapped. I don’t bother looking at the menu as I know that nothing appeals. It’s full of standard beverages plus spa-related ‘wellness’ drinks, cocktails, beer, wine and spirits and unexciting hotel food. My coffee-drinking, cake-eating friends tell me the coffee is decent but the desserts average. Perhaps the best time to come here is early evening to have an aperitif or even later on a long summer night.
Behind me is the restaurant, packed with more glamour pusses. There’s also a circular alcove where you can have your own intimate roof-top party. Right now, there’s a table for two, smoking and looking über-bored.
A waitress wanders around the bar with a beer and cappuccino and has no idea whose it is. I know it’s the table near me and I say nothing waiting to see how long it will take her to figure out who it belongs to. Five minutes later she finally takes the order to the right people and by now the beer is one degree warmer, the coffee one degree cooler and both have lost their foam. While the staff are young, hip, lovely creatures, their degree of professionalism doesn’t reflect the hotel’s five-star brand.
An hour and a half after getting my fill of clean Alpine air and the glorious views of Munich, I get sick of the wafts of second hand cigarette and cigar smoke drifting into my face.
While this place is far from perfect, I know I’ll be back. I just can’t get enough of the sunshine and the Alps. I just wish they’d lift their game a bit.
Blue Spa Bar and Lounge, Bayerischer Hof
Promenadeplatz 2-6, Munich