This area is now known as Commune 2nd.

Depending on who you ask, Omotesando is not so much a defined area of Tokyo but rather the neighbourhood takes its name from the sweeping tree-lined avenue that leads to the Meiji Shrine. It’s noted for its architecture and the buildings are sought after as a Tokyo outlet by a number of global prestige brands.

But it’s also a haven for cafes, dotted around various streets, such as Minamiaoyama and some interesting laneways. It’s where Tokyo’s love of eating out and fashion collide. Bakeries, hole-in-the-wall sushi bars and, importantly for Greedy Girl, good coffee.

Having gorged ourselves at Signature the night before, we were only interested in a snack. A beautiful mild evening, we decided to head to Commune 246.

This is essentially an open-air food court with an eclectic grouping of fixed pavillions and caravans serving a predominantly western style of food, with some local touches. There’s a fair range – everything from gourmet hot dogs to ‘ribbon’ fries to dumplings, to falafel, to Hawaiian vegan food. Seating is at a premium on a balmy night. Jackets are left on chairs to signify occupancy while the owners do a tour of the stalls.

Apparently the original food court on this site, known as 246 Common, closed down in May 2014 but Commune 246 rose anew at the end of last year. It’s certainly a hit with the, ahem, younger generation and the place is packed with 20-somethings content to nurse a beer and whatever snacks appeal.

Greedy Girl had read about Antenna Wired café (one of the few permanent structures on the site) and its hot dogs. We made a beeline there and luckily secured a couple of stools to sit out front and wait for our order. Greedy Girl chose the guacamole version while gluttonous husband had a meat eater’s delight – a hot dog with roast beef and lots of cheese on top. Both dogs were very tasty. The guacamole had some little crunchy deep-fried onions on top and a smattering of diced tomatoes. It all went well together. Gluttonous husband was very pleased with the roast beef on the top of his dog. He fully expected it to be dry and chewy but it remained soft and full of flavour.

Eating out Tokyo, Commune 246

Guacamole hot dog

Eating out Tokyo, Commune 246

Hot dog with roast beef and cheese

While we were sitting out munching on our burger, a plate of very unusual-looking potatoes went by – they were fried but looked more like potato crisps. Gluttonous husband went in search of them and found this happy fellow:

Eating out Tokyo, Commune 246

Brooklyn ‘ribbon’ fries

Sadly, he told us, he’d run out of potatoes, such was the demand. Grrr. Oh well; we scouted around the other stalls for something else to eat and chose a plate of mixed chicken skewers. Greedy Girl did photograph this plate but has chosen not to include it here. It was pretty forgettable stuff. Hard, chewy, mostly inedible. We hope to remove it from our memory banks very soon.

Having downed our beers and not seen much else that appealed, we prepared to depart. Heading up towards the roadway, we saw our ribbon fries friend back in action. Huzzah! He’d been able to secure a new supply of spuds. We immediately ordered the traditional salt and pepper (you can also have five spice, or take a walk on the wild side with a cinnamon blend) and waited impatiently for them to come out of the deep fryer.

Eating out Tokyo, Commune 246

Cascading over the side of the bowl, ribbon fries

They went very well with another beer and certainly had some novelty value. Disentangling them to be able to get a long, curly ribbon into one’s mouth wasn’t entirely straightforward but we managed. Done.

Commune 246 is a great-looking venue and definitely caters to a demographic and vegans would rejoice in finding it. On the right night it’s a fun spot for groups – just make sure you get there early enough to snag a seat.

Eating out Tokyo, Commune 246

Most seats are outside but a small dome offers some protection from the elements

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