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Hi, Iā€™m Michelle, a writer and editor from Melbourne Australia, aka Greedy Girl ā€“ greedy for new food and travel experiences to blog. Read more

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A year ago, Greedy Girl and gluttonous husband accompanied a group of friends to Grossi Florentino upstairs for a birthday celebration. It was such an excellent experience of Italian fine dining, we decided to book [Read more...]

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One of the few leading restaurants of Greedy Girl’s youth that is still trading today is Florentino, at the north-eastern end of the city of Melbourne. An impressive low-rise building, it’s home to three establishments [Read more...]

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While Italy has a gelato shop for every 1600 of its inhabitants, the ratio in Australia is one to every 15,000 people. But if there’s any doubt that Australia does not deserve its spot on [Read more...]

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